Masterclass ANV-50 Integrated Amplifier
Stereonet – July 2024 “Applause Award” “arresting and engaging” “this makes other solid-state amplifiers sound slightly bland and vague” “How impressive that such a relatively low-powered amp should have such dynamic immediacy. It’s definitely an amplifier that punches well above its weight.” “In terms of sound, the Masterclass ANV-50 is easily one of the best amplifiers available at anywhere near its price.” Hi-Fi+ August 2019 - "The Sugden Masterclass ANV-50 is, by any standards, a remarkable achievement. As a spiritual, if not literal successor to the pioneering A21, the amp that made Sugden's name, it has some big shoes to fill. On this experience, it does so magnificently... its' going to be quite a challenge to find anything at the price that will give you anything like the musical satisfaction and sheer joy this amplifier delivers."

A21a Series 2 Integrated Amplifier
2007- 2014
"The 10 Most Significant Amps In European History" - "Perhaps part of the reason for Sugden's continued success is its beguiling sound, warm and comforting." - Hi-Fi+ - Issue 82 ***** "Verdict: Sumptuous sounding amplifier with an open and inviting nature allied to an innate musicality that makes listening a pleasure." "The boys from Heckmondwike have done it again!" - Hi-Fi Wolrd - Dec-07 ***** "Verdict: Class A without tears, this new incarnation adds power and control to the A21a's traditional transparency and musical ease. Gorgeous." "the A21a S2 is a joy with almost any type of music" - Hi-Fi World - Aug-07

A21SE Stage 2 Phono Amplifier

CD21SE CD Player
"BEST BUY - 87% - Conclusion: The CD21SE is designed to partner the A21SE Class A amp and it does indeed sound superb in that company, but it also delivers its particularly musical touch in less sympathetic surroundings and warrants the attention of all true music lovers." - Hi-Fi Choice - Sep-05

Bijou CDMaster CD Player
Bijou CD / Pre / Power - "The CDMaster has a distinctive character - a lovely liquidity, a generous , full-bodied way with harmonics, a sweet midrange, extended highs." - Stereophile - Aug-04 Best Buy: Over £1000 - "This stack of components has changed the way we look at style systems." "the Sugden system wins yet another Best Buy." - What Hi-Fi - Awards 2003 "In a world of compromised hi-fi systems, this Sugden Master is truly a revelation." - What Hi-Fi - Awards 2002 "For: A cute and compact system that majors on stereo imaging. Against: Nothing." - What Hi-Fi - Ultimate Hi-Fi & HOme Cinema Guide ***** "The Sugden has it all: looks, build and sonic talen. it can face any challenger at its price point without fear." - What Hi-Fi - May-02 ***** "Winner £2000+ "..its the margin of superiority that puts it on the podium. It has a combination of talents that just kept us listening hour after hour." - What Hi-Fi - Jan-02 **** "The stylish and sleek CDMaster is a fine performer that's easily at the top of its class. Highly recommends." - Hi-Fi Wolrd - 2001 "Each of these components deserves high praise in its own right. When used together they have an obvious rapport, creating a first-rate system, which will have its owners rediscovering neglected corners of the CD collection long into the night." - Hi-Fi News - 2001 "Smooth, silky, and capable of tingling the spine, time after time, the Sugden is very special indeed." - Gramaphone - Awards 2001

Au51c II Pre-amplifier

Masterclass AA Power Amplifier
Masterclass AA Pre/Power Hi-Fi Choice Awards 2003/04 Product of the Year: Amplifieris. "This pairing is one of the most organic and dynamic transistor amplifiers you can buy - the similarities to good valve amps are uncanny." - Hi-Fi Choice Awards Special 2003 "Editors Choice. 90% - Conclusion: This is a well-built and lovely-sounding pre/power combo that will reveal the best in all the most sensitive speakers. If you want the best assets of valves and trasnsistors combined, this Sugden duo will be very hard to beat at the price." "If you haven't heard your favourite albums through an amplifier like this, then you haven't heard them." - Hi-Fi Choice - Oct-09 "It is almost valve-like in quality, sweet and detailed wihtout a hint of grain or over brightness. The system suited all types of music which, to me, is the sign of a thoroughbred, no compromise amplification." - Hi-Fi World - 2001

Audition C Integrated Amplifier (AMP 98C)

Optima 80 Passive Line Amplifier

Signature 41c Pre-amplifier

Optima 200 - Passive Line Amplifier

Stemfoort Pro CD Transport

Au51p II LIPS Power Amplifier

Au31p Power Amplifier

Au51 II Crossovers

Stemfoort PDA-10 Digital to Analogue Converter

A21a Integrated Amplifier
Classic Dilemma - Group Test - ***** "Verdict: Superlative clarity and musicality, this amp is peerless at the price in what it does best, which is to make music." "an excellent showcase for the technology, and a real credit to the company..." "Sugden's A21a is a truly polished gem." - Hi-Fi Wolrd - Dec-06 Recommended Components - "What the A21 succeeds marvelously at doing is presenting a crisp, lively, but very continuous and quite nonfatiguing musical experience." - Stereophile - Apr-04 "I've been living with this 25Wpc integrated amp for two months now, and I've derived more pleasure from it than I have from some hugely expsensive separtes." Stereophile - Feb-05 Best Buy "You know instantly you are hearing something close to a real performance." - Hi-Fi Choice - Feb-02 ***** "Verdict: The A21a is a terrific product that is good enough to take on the very best at this price." - What Hi-Fi - 2001 "Complicated tunes are delivered without fluster or muddle, simple ones with pace and conviction." "Simply the most music system here." - Hi-Fi choice - Dec-00 "This amplifier is the magic, affordable ticket to enter in the high-end industry." - Nxos - 1999 "They'll never should about the A21a, any more than they boasted about their own pioneering efforts in making Class-A technology available to the masses. And this is behaviour which makes teh Sugden A21a amplifier the best-kept secret in British hi-fi. Bar none." - HI-Fi News - Jul-98 "Whatever is played through the A21a is invested with flesh, blood and lungs." - Hi-Fi World - Feb-94 "Class A is to amplifiers what V-12 enginers are to automobiles!" - UHF - Oct-90

A25B Integrated Amplifier
"This solid little amplifier proved to be one of the most listenable in the test." "Of the two top amplifiers in this group - I marginally preferred the sound of the Sugden." "the Sugden simply traded some of its rival's detail and pin-sharp imagery for sparkle and life." - Hi-Fi World - Oct-92 "I can't think of why we haven't heard more of it. Sugdens own slogan is "Hand Crafted - Fait a la Main", I'll suggest another "Search out a Sugden"." - Hi-Fi World - Dec-91

Au41p Power Amplifier
"Overall then, the Sugden takes Gold, with a balance of performance, power and price the others cannot match." - Hi-Fi World - Apr-93

C28 Pre-amplifier

T48II Tuner
T48II/A48II - "the sonic results excellent." -

A48III Integrated Amplifier
"If you want Class A performance - or even if you've never really considered it up until now - you owe it to yourself to have a listen to the Sugden A48III." - Australian Hi-Fi - Vol.18 No.11 "To the A48's credit, it delivers the goods, with an essential richness and body that must be heard to be apprecaited. Highly recommended indeed." - Hi-Fi Heretic - No.10

C128SL Pre-amplifier
"So for those of you with a moving-magnet pickup, we give this one ten out of ten. For an MC pickup, lets split the difference at nine out of ten. Go for it. Goldfinger!" - Hi-Fi Sound - No.13 "Within the constraints of its price, I believe that this pre amp offers a performance as good as you can get." - Which Compact Disc? - Jun-96

P128 Power Amplifier

C128 Pre-amplifier

DT48 Tuner

Q51 Four Channel Decoder

A21 Series 3 Integrated Amplfiifer

A41 Power Amplifier

Richard Allan A41 Power Amplifer

Si402 Pure Class A Power Amplifier
This was the first commercially available Pure Class A transistor amplifier.

Grande Mono Block Amplifier
2017 ONLY
The Sugden Grande Amplifier is a Mono Block Amplifier operating in ‘Pure Class A’ mode (two required for stereo reproduction) Each mono block houses dual matched amplifiers with the output stages in the floating bridged mode. The amplifiers are best described as instrumentation, class A, floating bridge power output amplifiers, dc coupled with current feedback. The amplifier is equipped with an input board with user logic switching for balanced or phono/asymmetric inputs. Also on the input board is a six dB attenuation facility for input signal matching. There are two power output levels, an ‘eco level’ for low level listening where the power consumption is reduced by 75% and concert hall /auditorium level to take full advantage of the units fatigue free uncompressed massive sound stage. Sugdens 50 years experience of designing and manufacturing class A audio amplifiers for the discerning music lover ensures the advantages of class A are fully realised. The mono blocks are housed in an aluminium chassis with massive extruded aluminium heat sinks for the necessary heat dissipation associated with pure class A. Whilst this descriptive text includes a technical bias, Sugdens Philosophy of 'Rescuing Music from Technology' has been fully exhausted to develop a product that provides ‘simply more music’. The Grande is the most powerful pure class A amplifier in the Sugden range and has involved intense development over a period of years. Many thousands of hours have been spent on circuit layouts, component selection, overall physical relationships of the circuitry and its main case. From the balanced or asymmetric input through the controlled gain stages to the floating bridged output and final tuning, absolutely no compromises have been made in achieving an exceptional amplifier with remarkable musical performance. Longevity is a key consideration in Sugden equipment and gold plated circuit boards containing the highest quality discreet electronic components are utilised in the assembly. High quality connectors and silver wiring are utilised to give long life and the ultimate musical performance. Each amplifier is equipped with a custom designed mains transformer of -430 watts with 4 separate windings. The power supplies to the floating bridge output stage are smoothed by two specially developed audio grade capacitors, having a combined capacitance of 40,000uf. The output stage has 12 output devices, each having an output capability of 17 amps and maximum power rating of 200 watts each. The tone burst potential would be in the region of 7kw, or massive headroom for the perfect sound stage. The final output of the amplifiers is coupled to the speaker output binding posts via a protection board. This board includes the switching of Mosfet power devices of extremely low on resistance, timed to enable soundless connection to the speakers. The protection board also includes dc output protection. Power Output 100 watts into 8 Ohm 190 watts into 4 Ohm ECO mode 25watts into 8 Ohm Frequency response 12Hz to 86kHz +/-0dB Bandwidth (wide) 2Hz-200kHz +/-3dB Signal to Noise >85dB Input sensitivity 1volt for full output Dimensions 430 x 430 x 470mm (W/H/D) Weight 35kg unpacked

Fusion 21 CD Player
"A striker with rhythym and punch. With its bass power an accurate timings its definitely something for listeners who place value on detail and utmost precision" - Audiophile - Dec-13

A21SE Stage 1 Phono Amplifier
2006- 2013

A21SE Integrated Amplifier
"The Sugden A21SE amplifier is a real beauty. I am almost shocked at how good it is - and it uses transistors! It has the most fabulously detailed sound, one that is dynamic, full of vivacious life and enormously engaging as a result. I continue to use our review sample and am quietly addicted to it for reviewing purposes, because it makes the most of loudspeakers, due to its sweet tonality." - Noel Keywood - Hi-Fi World - Dec-12 Verdict: ***** "if you want to hear how transistor amplifiers should sound - and I wish they would sound! - then this is the one. It is an utterly superb amplifier that is exciting to listen to with both Rock and Classical music, as any good amplifier should be."" "The A21SE is deperately fast, but sweet and clear to an extent that is unmatched by other transistor amplifiers. It was said before - an quite rightly - that this is one of the world's best amplifiers and I am happy to repeat the point." - Hi-Fi World - Sep-12 "Should you favour realism, body, musical flow and rich mids - i.e. fatigue-free purity and black backgrounds - this amp is among the best i've yet encountered. I'm certain in fact that many a diehard valve fiend would go wild over this semi-conductor machine." "I was quite blown away by the results" - FairAudio.de - Feb-08 Translation "just impress in every way" - LP - Apr-08 Hi-Fi World - World Awards - Integrated Amplfiier: Sugden A21SE "the Sugden sang like no others can. It's a truly unique sound; bright and crisp and open like no other integrateds, yet it plays music like its life depended on it. There's something about it that makes you want to unplug your TV, pull your phone out of the socket power down your computer and run a gamut of your record or CD collections until the early hours It makes you want to forget yourself and all the grim practicalities of life, and just 'go off on one' and get lost in music." "this is argualbly the ultimate audiophone integrated amplifier." - Hi-Fi World - Jan-06 "The coherent sound is why it deserves to be included among the high-end's great and good." - Hi-Fi Choice - Summer-06 ***** "Verdict: Brilliantly music hear-through sound makes this one of the best transistor amplifiers ever made..." "Musically brilliant is the best way I can describe it... do yourself a favour and hear something that has nearly all of the strengths of tube amplifiers and almost non of the vices. Gorgeous." - Hi-Fi World - May05 "90% Verdict: Sugden has managed to upgrade the A21 wihtout losing any of its magic. Although it may still lack ray power and doesn't follow the rhythm method, if you want to lose yourself in unforced, uncoloured music, put this at the top of the list." FP: "In-depth Test: Class A audio brilliance from Sugdens super A21SE integrated stereo amplifier." - Hi-Fi Choice - Jul-05

Masterclass Integrated Amplifier
"The Masterclass simply peeled away the sound of electronics, presenting a vast soundstage and an effortless musical performance... this amp's line stage is incredibly revealing." - Hi-Fi News - Mar-04

Masterclass AA CD Player
***** "This CD player, despite the hefty price tag, is genuinely competitive; in hi-end terms its good value for money. Any thought of how good it is soon shifts to how good the music is, and that's the biggest compliment that can be paid to any CD player." - What Hi-Fi - Buyers Annual 2003 Ultimate Guide "Sometimes products just click. Its that old black magic called synergy and this beefy bundle of Brit-fi has enough of the stuff to power a small town." - Hi-Fi Choice - Sep-02

Bijou Ampmaster Power Amplifier
Bijou Pre/Power Amplifier - "**** Verdict: Wonderfully crisp, spry, detailed and musical sound will win it many friends." "I lkoved this combo - its genuinely charismatic, quirky and most importantly - capable. Theres little around that does what it does so well at the price." - Hi-Fi World - Jan-04 "The Sugden pre/power combination is a hi-fi jewel" - What Hi-Fi - Buyers Annual 2003 Ultimate Guide Best Buy: Over £1000 - "This stack of components has changed the way we look at style systems." "the Sugden system wins yet another Best Buy." - What Hi-Fi - Awards 2003 "In a world of compromised hi-fi systems, this Sugden Master is truly a revelation." - What Hi-Fi - Awards 2002 "For: A cute and compact system that majors on stereo imaging. Against: Nothing." - What Hi-Fi - Ultimate Hi-Fi & HOme Cinema Guide ***** "The Sugden has it all: looks, build and sonic talen. it can face any challenger at its price point without fear." - What Hi-Fi - May-02 ***** "Winner £2000+ "..its the margin of superiority that puts it on the podium. It has a combination of talents that just kept us listening hour after hour." - What Hi-Fi - Jan-02 "Each of these components deserves high praise in its own right. When used together they have an obvious rapport, creating a first-rate system, which will have its owners rediscovering neglected corners of the CD collection long into the night." - Hi-Fi News - 2001 "Smooth, silky, and capable of tingling the spine, time after time, the Sugden is very special indeed." - Gramaphone - Awards 2001

Masterclass AA Phono Amplifier
***** "The Masterclass amp is a truly stonking performer that will worry all-comers below £5000. It produces a solid, controlled performance with plenty of detail, authority and dynamics. " - What Hi-Fi - Ultimate Guides Hi-Fi 2003 Verdict: ***** - What Hi-Fi - Jun-02 "One of the best sounds to be found in solid state audio." - Hi-Fi+ - Jul-02 "Sometimes products just click. Its that old black magic called synergy and this beefy bundle of Brit-fi has enough of the stuff to power a small town." - Hi-Fi Choice - Sep-02

Masterclass AA 140 Mono Power Amplifier
Masterclass AA Pre/Power Hi-Fi Choice Awards 2003/04 Product of the Year: Amplifieris. "This pairing is one of the most organic and dynamic transistor amplifiers you can buy - the similarities to good valve amps are uncanny." - Hi-Fi Choice Awards Special 2003 Verdict: ***** - What Hi-Fi - Jun-02 "One of the best sounds to be found in solid state audio." - Hi-Fi+ - Jul-02 "The finest Sugden amplification, in three boxes - the Masterclass pre-amp and 160W monoblocks." - Hi-Fi News - Mar-00

Audition CD Player
"... its good to find something British which stands out from the crowd." - Hi-Fi+ - Au-99 "In a price area that is already congested with black boxes from all quarters of the world, its good to find something British which stands out from the crowd." - Hi-Fi Plus - Jul 1999

Optima Phono Amplifier

Optima 140 Passive Line Amplifier
"A true sophisticate, it was stylish, beautifully constructed, slick in use with remote control and offered a top quality sound." - Hi-Fi World - Dec-95

Stemfoort SF-100 Line Power Amplifier
"I'm going to nail my colours to the mast. The Stemfoort SF100 is about the best sounding integrated amplifier I've heard to date. The few that can challenge its performance have four-figure price-tags. It has enough grunt to drive all bar the most difficult of speakers, but with the sort of subtlety and grace that will challenge refined single-ended Class A amplifiers. In all it looks like a star buy." - Hi-Fi Choice - Nov-94

Au51 Pro Transport

SDA-2 Digital to Analogue Converter

Au51 Digital to Analogue Converter

Au51p II Power Amplifier
"Rating: 98% - The Au51 combines accuracy and musical performance with great looks and - ultimately - delightful enjoyment." - Inner Ear - 1992 "Top grade amplification to depend on and enjoy everyday you use it." - Hi-Fi Wolrd - Oct-96

SDA-1 Digital to Analogue Converter
Recommended - "With no knowledge of this DAC's origin our panel concluded that the SDA-1 was 'a top-flight and distinctly multi bit performa with a likely price to match'. Its a star performer all right but the price is far from the realms of high-end fantasty. Heartily Recommended." - Hi-Fi Choice - Dec-92 "The DAC behaved for me as though it was a pure transcription device, a wide open window for the transport to flow through. It responds with a real sense of music values." - Hi-Fi World -Jun-92

A48B Integrated Amplifier
"Its pleasant, natural sound comes as a welcome break from the perils of hi-fi!" - Hi-Fi World - Apr-92

Stemfoort LPA-10 Line Power Amplifier
"The LPA-10 is a thoroughbred among amplifiers. Its charms may not come cheap, but you only get what you pay for, and who's to put a price on beautiful music?" - Hi-Fi Choice - Jun-90

Au41c Pre-amplifier
"Overall then, the Sugden takes Gold, with a balance of performance, power and price the others cannot match." - Hi-Fi World - Apr-93

P28 Power Amplifier

Au51p Power Amplifier
"We've never tested another amplifier which sounded this big and did its job this well." - Hi-Fi Sound No.13 "This is beyond better bass, better treble, better midrange. This is more music, melodies you can follow better, mor of the feeling that you are attending a live performance. And it isn't even a suble effect." - Hi-Fi Sound - 1988

SPX1A Power Supply

A88 Integrated Amplifier
"Definitely worth a personal audition." - Hi-Fi For Pleasure

A28 Integrated Amplifier

A48 Integrated Amplifier

C51 Control Unit / R51 Tuner Combination

C51 Pre-Amplifier

A21 Series 2 Integrated Amplifier
I can think of no other vintage transistor integrated that comes close..." Hi-Fi World - Mar-10

Richard Allan A21 Integrated Amplifier

Si401 Pre-Amplifier

A21SE Signature Integrated Amplifier
Hi-Fi Choice – September 2024 “Highly Recommended” “Regardless of the music, the A21SE absolutely goes for the musical jugular” “It makes every piece of music a sonic adventure, as it serves up a really vibrant, emotional and engaging sound.” Audiophile Recommended Award "Evokes a sense of pride in the ownership of it" - Videophile (Thailand) - Jan-17

LS Mystro Loudspeakers
2011- 2015

Mystro CD Player
Mystro Integrated & CD Player "The Mystro has an untroubled naturalness, a real sense of immediacy and presence, the sort of elan you expect to carry a much higher ticket price." "Unless you are spending several multiples of the amplifiers price, you would be hard-pressed to find anything with the same mix of genuinely high-end qualities." - Hi-Fi+ - Sep-09

Mystro Integrated Amplifier
**** "Lively and highly convincing music-making that keeps feet tapping and hearts pounding." "... a thoroughly captivating experience." - Hi-Fi Choice - Feb-11 World Awards - Integrated "All in all, Sugdens Mystro is a most aptly named new contender in the mid-price integrated amplifier category." - Hi-Fi World - World Awards - Jan-10 ***** "Verdict: Dizzyingly fast and musical sound allied to breathtaking detail and decent power make this Sugden's best value integrated amplifier ever. For: Rhythmic & dynamic fluency. Big hearted musicality. Pleasing tonality. Build & finish. Against: Nothing at the price." - Hi-Fi World - Nov-09 Mystro Integrated & CD Player "The Mystro has an untroubled naturalness, a real sense of immediacy and presence, the sort of elan you expect to carry a much higher ticket price." "Unless you are spending several multiples of the amplifiers price, you would be hard-pressed to find anything with the same mix of genuinely high-end qualities." - Hi-Fi+ - Sep-09

Masterclass PA-4 Phono Amplifier

Masterclass IA-4 Integrated Amplifier
The Ear – September 2024 “Editor’s Choice” “This is more of an emotional than a physical sounding amplifier… one that lets you sit back as the music washes over you and carries away any anxieties.” “It’s hard to pin down exactly why but the Sugden IA-4 makes music more absorbing than many alternatives.” “about as good as you can get for the money” “it delivers a result that keeps you listening” "I'm delighted, not to say addicted, to the musicality of this chunky hunk of a transistor." "Class A sounds like that, does it? Is this the much-lauded lack of distortion this operating mode is famous for? If it is, count me in as a fan. I want more!" "This integrated amplifier is able to match up to the industry's big hitters. And then some. I am extremely impressed." - Fidelity International - No.5 2017 ***** "Verdict: Dizzyingly fast, musical sound allied to breathtaking detail and a useful amount of power make this Sugdens best ever integrated amplifier - pure class." "Rarely have I heard an integrated amplifier that dives into any given piece of music, throws out so much detail and yet strings it together in such a musically satisfying way." "the overall verdict is one of wide-eyed admiration for a glorious integrated amplifier." - Hi-Fi World - Dec-07

Masterclass PDT-4 CD Player
2006- 2017
***** " This CD player, despite the hefty price tag, is genuinely competitive; in hi-end terms its good value for money. Any thought of how good it is soon shifts to how good the music is, and that's the biggest compliment that can be paid to any CD player." - What Hi-Fi - Buyers Annual 2003 Ultimate Guide

Bijou Phono Amplifier

Bijou Headmaster Headphone Amplifier
Bijou Pre/Power Amplifier - "**** Verdict: Wonderfully crisp, spry, detailed and musical sound will win it many friends." "I lkoved this combo - its genuinely charismatic, quirky and most importantly - capable. Theres little around that does what it does so well at the price." - Hi-Fi World - Jan-04 "The Sugden pre/power combination is a hi-fi jewel" - What Hi-Fi - Buyers Annual 2003 Ultimate Guide Best Buy: Over £1000 - "This stack of components has changed the way we look at style systems." "the Sugden system wins yet another Best Buy." - What Hi-Fi - Awards 2003 "In a world of compromised hi-fi systems, this Sugden Master is truly a revelation." - What Hi-Fi - Awards 2002 "For: A cute and compact system that majors on stereo imaging. Against: Nothing." - What Hi-Fi - Ultimate Hi-Fi & HOme Cinema Guide ***** "The Sugden has it all: looks, build and sonic talen. it can face any challenger at its price point without fear." - What Hi-Fi - May-02 ***** "Winner £2000+ "..its the margin of superiority that puts it on the podium. It has a combination of talents that just kept us listening hour after hour." - What Hi-Fi - Jan-02 ***** "For: Transparency; dynamics and subtlety; excellent build and finish. Against: Nothing at all. Verdict: a great niche product that sounds simply brilliant. We can't wait to hear the rest of Sugdens' Master range." - What Hi-Fi - 2001 "Each of these components deserves high praise in its own right. When used together they have an obvious rapport, creating a first-rate system, which will have its owners rediscovering neglected corners of the CD collection long into the night." - Hi-Fi News - 2001 "Smooth, silky, and capable of tingling the spine, time after time, the Sugden is very special indeed." - Gramaphone - Awards 2001

CD21 CD Player
"Complicated tunes are delivered without fluster or muddle, simple ones with pace and conviction." "Simply the most music system here." - Hi-Fi choice - Dec-00

Masterclass AA Pre-amplifier
Masterclass AA Pre/Power Hi-Fi Choice Awards 2003/04 Product of the Year: Amplifiers. "This pairing is one of the most organic and dynamic transistor amplifiers you can buy - the similarities to good valve amps are uncanny." - Hi-Fi Choice Awards Special 2003 "Editors Choice. 90% - Conclusion: This is a well-built and lovely-sounding pre/power combo that will reveal the best in all the most sensitive speakers. If you want the best assets of valves and transistors combined, this Sugden duo will be very hard to beat at the price." "If you haven't heard your favourite albums through an amplifier like this, then you haven't heard them." - Hi-Fi Choice - Oct-09 Verdict: ***** - What Hi-Fi - Jun-02 "One of the best sounds to be found in solid state audio." - Hi-Fi+ - Jul-02 "It is almost valve-like in quality, sweet and detailed without a hint of grain or over brightness. The system suited all types of music which, to me, is the sign of a thoroughbred, no compromise amplification." - Hi-Fi World - 2001 "The finest Sugden amplification, in three boxes - the Masterclass pre-amp and 160W monoblocks." - Hi-Fi News - Mar-00

Audition Power Amplifier (AMP 98P)
"Equalization on or off, the Sugden Audition system produces a beautiful sound that is a credit to the company's heritage and dedication. " "This is unquestionable an amplifier of a very high standard indeed." - Gramophone - Jun-99 "Perhaps what startled me first was the way these units sounded so civilised straight from the box..." - Hi-Fi News - Apr-99

Audition T Integrated Amplifier (AMP 98T)

Signature 41p Power Amplifier

Symetra Mono Block Power Amplifiers

Stemfoort SF-60 Line Power Amplifier

Optima CD Player
"A true sophisticate, it was stylish, beautifully constructed, slick in use with remote control and offered a top quality sound." - Hi-Fi World - Dec-95 "This thoroughbred may leave you begging for discs with even more information." - Australian Newspaper

SDD-1 CD Transport

Au51 Phono Amplifier
"Top grade amplification to depend on and enjoy everyday you use it." - Hi-Fi Wolrd - Oct-96 "Rating: 98% - Cold, out of its packing carton, the Sugden instantly sounds better than great." - Inner Ear - 1992

SDT-1 CD Player
"the Sugden SDT-1 looks (and sounds) to me like a really exceptional value among a group of very good digital components." - Audio Ideas - Winter-93 "I have to say Sugden's CD player just has to be near the top of any buyers list." - Hi-Fi World - Mar-93 Rating 96% "Sugden's use of descreet components allows tailoring of the sound structure without compromising dynamics, frequency or sound stage." "This is an excellent CD player, which comes very close to elaborate and expensive separate components." - Inner Ear - Mar-93

A21aP Power Amplifier
"delightful to live with - it almost begs you to put on more music and then proceeds to play it with aplomb." - Hi-Fi News - Oct-92

A28B Integrated Amplifier

Stemfoort PA-10 Phono Amplifier

DTFM Tuner

DT28 Tuner

Au51c Pre-amplifier
"This is beyond better bass, better treble, better midrange. This is more music, melodies you can follow better, mor of the feeling that you are attending a live performance. And it isn't even a suble effect." - Hi-Fi Sound - 1988

A25 Integrated Amplifier
"This marvellous little amplifier is therefore well endowed to 'play' in th eballpark and to cater to the needs of the same demanding music lovers." - Son Hi-Fi - 1986 "The only thing wrong with the review sample of this remarkable amplifier is that Sugden want it back." - Which Compact Disc? - Oct 85 "A delight to the ear." - Stereo Buyers Guide - Jun-85 "It is clear that Sugden would never fall into the trap of producing an 'average' amplifier merely for reasons of price, but we never expected that they would be able to offer such an attractive product, not only in terms of sound reroduction but of basic design."

C128SL Pre-amplifier
"the C128 is a remarkable performa, well balanced, musical, fuss-free. The sound quality provided is well above the norm, so this unit represents very good value for money." - Hi-Fi News - Sep-84

Hamcu Moving Coil Step Up

T28 Tuner

P51 Power Amplifier

A51 Power Amplifier

Richard Allan C41 Pre-Amplifier

Si403 Integrated Amplifier